Saturday, October 22, 2011

Katrina, The Beginning by Elizabeth Loraine (Kindle addition)

New Vampire Genre

The formatting of this book is horrible.  Each and every paragraph runs together and it’s hard to tell where one thought ends and another begins.

 The over usage of the word ‘said’ drove me crazy.  “Bla, bla, bla,” I said.  “Bla, bla,” father said.  “Bla, bla, bla,” said mother.  “Bla, bla, bla,” we said.
Honestly, I developed a phobia for that word!  As the author continues to grow in her writing, and while the book is being reformatted, I hope that word will be used a whole lot less.  Like, “Bla, bla, bla,” I told him.  “Bla, bla,” father replied.  “Bla, bla, bla,” laughed mother.  “Bla, bla, bla,” we agreed.

Because of the poor formatting and over usage of that word, it makes me shutter thinking about it, I had a love/hate relationship with this story.

This is book one in the Royal Blood series.  Katrina, born a vampire, receives extensive training in sword play and self defense.  As it turns out, the young lady is to be the leader of The Protectors—five female vampires who are to protect all the races of the world from evil.

 The adventure takes place in Europe during the time America is being settled.  Although I had a hard time with the issues I mentioned above I did feel as though Ms. Loraine planned the story well.

 I do believe the author has talent, and will improve her writing over time.  I’m planning on reading the next book in the series.  Book one leaves off at a point where you’ll want to know what happens in book two.

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