Sunday, October 2, 2011

Alexandra's legacy: Legacy, Book 1 N. J. Walters

Page turner-if you like erotica wordage

Please don’t let the reviewers who enjoy picking apart books sway you.  Often times what one person hates another loves.  Quite possibly you’ll find you like this book.

I didn’t read the description of the book, nor the reviews before downloading it.  Sometimes I like going into a story blind because life is like that.  You never know where the road will lead.

For my part, I only found a few things that threw me for loop.  The first one was when Alex, who’d been raised by her father her whole life, discovers her dad is a werewolf.  This is after we discover she believed there was no such thing as paranormal beings in the world.  One would think Alex would have struggled a tad more with the shocking news that werewolf’s were real and guess what honey.  You’re a half-breed.  Isn’t that great?

I would have gasped, stuttered and probably fainted, but within seconds of discovering this fact, Alex more or less shrugs her shoulders and goes on as though her belief hadn’t just taken a turn into the bizarre.

The second thing I struggled with was the fact that since Alex was ‘in heat’—as she was now maturing as a female werewolf—every time she looked at Joshua Striker, the hero, moisture was pooling you know where.  They had to watch out for werewolf’s finding them because they, the mutts, could ‘smell her’.  I have to be honest and say, as often as Alex was having moisture pooling, I’d of smelt her too and I’m not a werewolf.  (At least, I don’t think I am.)

Now that the negative is out of the way, and that’s only my opinion, once I got past the above I found this book to be an enjoyable read.  It is an action packed adventure that had me turning the pages as quickly as I could.  N. J. Walters doesn’t waste time going on and on with four or more pages of description.  The story moves along quickly.

The bottom line, in my opinion:  If you like werewolf romance, don’t mind some erotica and want a quick read, this book is for you.  The things I didn’t like about the book aren’t going to stop me from reading more from N. J. Walters, and will definitely be reading the second story in the series, “Isaiah’s Haven”!

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